Messages (Page 8)

Living Under Fire: Week 4 | @parkridgepresby

Welcome back out listeners, thank you for worshiping with us today! Today Pastor Josh has a another message he will be sharing with us. We’re very glad you’re here to join us! We believe God is calling us to engage and inspire all people to share God’s love, grow in faith, and serve as disciples. New Podcast every Sunday RIGHT HERE @ 10am. (CT) Check out our website and subscribe with us on YouTube and instagram to stay connected with…

Living Under Fire: Week 2 | @parkridgepresby

Welcome back out listeners, thank you for worshiping with us today! Today Pastor Josh has a another message he will be sharing with us. We’re very glad you’re here to join us! We believe God is calling us to engage and inspire all people to share God’s love, grow in faith, and serve as disciples. New Podcast every Sunday RIGHT HERE @ 10am. (CT) Check out our website and subscribe with us on YouTube and instagram to stay connected with…

Sept 11 Message | @parkridgepresby

Welcome back out listeners, thank you for worshiping with us today! Today Pastor Josh has a another message he will be sharing with us. We’re very glad you’re here to join us! We believe God is calling us to engage and inspire all people to share God’s love, grow in faith, and serve as disciples. New Podcast every Sunday RIGHT HERE @ 10am. (CT) Check out our website and subscribe with us on YouTube and instagram to stay connected with…

Author Interview: Kris Cichowski

Using a Montessori Approach to Enhance Quality of Life for Persons with Dementia Workshop – September 22, 7pm, at the Park Ridge Public Library. When changes occur in memory or cognition, families often take the path of least resistance and minimize involvement in social and recreation activity.  Author Kristine Cichowski shares strategies for using a Montessori approach to promote engagement and inclusion from her book – Living with Dementia Doesn’t Mean You Stop Living. Join this interactive program to learn…

Embracing the future helps us embrace the next generation of the church

Welcome back listeners, thank you for worshiping with us today! Today Pastor Josh has a message about how the church should embrace the future through the next generation. We’re very glad you’re here to join us! We believe God is calling us to engage and inspire all people to share God’s love, grow in faith, and serve as disciples. New Podcast every Sunday RIGHT HERE @ 10am. (CT) Check out our website and subscribe with us on YouTube and instagram…